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I Should Be So Lucky Book Review

I Should Be So Lucky by Carol Deeley was a delightfully pleasant surprise of a story. Usually I’m not crazy about contemporary works in general as I’m more of a fantasy reader, but this story was an exception and won me over.

The characters especially were delightful and realistic. Usually when I see a story involving lawyers, I cringe because they’re usually not done well at all. Deeley, however, has managed to construct characters that not only feel realistic, but also tug at your heartstrings and force you to cheer them on as they go through the story. I couldn’t help but love Andrew as he went on his journey of self-discovery and had his heart broken multiple times throughout it. He was the kind of character you wanted to spend time with and that kept me invested in the story overall. The other characters were just as well written and I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions. It felt like you were a part of the story and that experience makes this book worth reading.

The story itself was simple and dare I say it, cute in a way. It had its slow points, but it also had an equal amount of action and suspense to make up for it. I won’t say what happens to avoid spoilers, but there was a part of the story later on where I was genuinely worried for the one character and hoping Andrew would come through and solve the problem. The payoff was incredibly satisfying and there were also several twists and turns throughout the story too. Little things that paid off big and I was taken back by the ending, which was a delightful surprise and reward for the reader for paying attention throughout the story.

Overall, I give this story 4.5 stars out of 5 and highly recommend if you have a free afternoon, sit down and spend some time reading this gem of a story. It’s got a little bit of everything from romance, to suspense, and everything in between. Deeley has put out another masterpiece and I can’t wait to read more of her work!

You can find your own copy of I Should Be So Lucky here at

Bestselling Author of Steampunk Fantasy
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